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Paleis Honselaarsdijk








Prins Frederik Hendrik ontving door Nederlandse zeevaarders overgebrachte uitheemse diersoorten.
In 1640 zat hier de eerste levende chimpansee.


Data afkomstig van Hendrik Engel's alphabetical list of Dutch zoological cabinets and menageries [691]

Former residential estate of the Princes of Orange in Naalwijk, near Delft, now demolished. In the 1620's founded by Prince Frederik Hendrik who also initiated its gardens, menagerie, pheasantry, aviary, hunting grounds and fish ponds. Gifts to the Princes presented by befriended sovereigns and the Dutch East and West India Companies were regularly brought to Honselaarsdijk (hippopotamus, crane, ostrich, "Indian Elk", etc.). (...) After the death of King-stadtholder William III (1701) the estate, inherited by the Prussian King fell into decay. Since, its leading part in breeding exotic animals in the Netherlands shifted to "Het Loo" near Appeldoorn.


last updated: 17-09-2007