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Eigenaar: Hans Willem baron Bentinck (graaf van Portland) en zijn zoon graaf Willem Bentinck.


Data afkomstig van Hendrik Engel's alphabetical list of Dutch zoological cabinets and menageries

[105] Hans Willem Baron Bentinck (Earl of Portland) - 20 July 1649 country-seat "Schoonheten", Raalte (Prov. Overijsel) - 4 November 1709 Bulstrode Castle (Buckinghamshire). Close friend of Kind-Stadholder William III. Large aviary on his country-seat "Sorghvliet" near 's-Gravenhage.

[106] Graaf Willem Bentinck - 6 November 1704 Bulstrode Castle - 13 October 1774 "Sorghvliet" near 's-Gravenhage. "Heer" (Lord) of Rhoon and Pendrecht, son of Hans Willem. "Luitenant-houtvest" (lieutenant-forester) of Holland; "Bewindhebber" (Diretor) of the Dutch East India Company. Continued his father's aviary on Sorghvliet, often obtaining living birds from the Cape and the Southern Moluccan islands, which, according to Brisson (Ornithologie, 1760), were often sent to Reaumur's cabinet after they had died. 

last updated: 19-09-2007