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Eigenaar Mr. Jacob Adraiaan baron du Tour.
De menagerie (en het kabinet) verhuisden in 1760 van Haagambacht naar het landgoed Zandvliet bij Lisse.


Data afkomstig van Hendrik Engel's alphabetical list of Dutch zoological cabinets and menageries

[1388] Martinus Wilhelmus Schwenken - 1707 Maastricht - 21 January 1785 ('s Gravenhage).
1735 Town physician at 's-Gravenhage. In 1750 he asked the municipality of 's-Gravenhage to be allowed to bear the title of Professor botanicus, which was granted.
He got a grand of Dfl. 500,- a year to keep his garden in order and to give free lessons for the public. His house Zandvliet was bought in 1785 by the dowager of Baron du Tour.
He possessed a collection of divers animals.

[1527] Jacob Adriaan Tour, Baron du - Bapt. 11 August 1734 ('s Gravenhage) - 1780 (proabably Leeuwarden).
Representative of the province Friesland in the States General and in the "Raad van State" (Council of State). "Grietman" of Het Bildt (Prov. Friesland).
He possessed a menagerie and a cabinet at Haagambacht, near Loosduinen, later (1760) at "Zandvliet" near Lisse.

last updated: 10-10-2007